Introducing the Do Little BIGGIE for e-bikes & wide frames!
The Do Little Kids Bike Seat
Started with a little kiwi ingenuity and the need to include kiddies the Do Little kids bike seat has been developed over the years as the range and style of bikes has expanded.
We believe that biking is for everyone and how best to spread the love of cycling than right at the beginning with the inclusion of your trouser huggers.

Everyone in Canada is loving Zoe’s new seat ... Makes me feel bit stink when her and Daddy beat me on black diamond trails in whistler but whatever !! Family rides rock!!!
— Monica Birch, Canada
Family MTB adventures made possible with the Do Little seat. Even with a lightweight Frog bike, a 3yr old can get tired in the French Alps ;-)
— Rasmus Gorm Pedersen, Denmark
Great solution if you want to infect your kids with the mtb-virus early on. My 3 year old enjoys every ride. It takes me 5 - 10 realistic minutes to change the seat from one bike to another, so this is pretty easy. I’d definitely recommend it!
— Bedu Bednarek, Germany
I purchased the Do Little bike seat after trying multiple others, and this is hands down the best product I have purchased. Nothing else to say other than fantastic idea and design. My bike was not off balance one bit and I never felt any wobble like I did with other similar products sold in the US. Thank you all.
— Jon Sharron, USA